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On the Issues


Expand Local Jobs and Businesses & Reduce Your Commute

As the CEO of Virgin Galactic, George helped create hundreds of good, mortgage-paying jobs in our area. He knows firsthand how to harness this district’s diverse strengths to cultivate a thriving economy that benefits residents and businesses alike. Together, George knows we can grow local jobs and reduce the hours commuting down to Los Angeles, implement accelerator programs to support the development of small and mid-sized businesses in the district, and prioritize infrastructure projects to enhance our region’s competitiveness and attract new businesses. 

Lower Inflation & Cost of Living

We’re all feeling the effects of inflation and higher costs of living. George will fight day in and day out to lower your healthcare, housing, gas, and grocery bills. George has spent his career solving problems and has the experience to get housing and fire insurance costs under control, cut taxes for homeowners, lower health care and prescription drug costs, invest in an all-of-the above energy plan to reduce gas and energy prices, cut taxes for the middle class by expanding the SALT deduction, and protect Social Security and Medicare.

Defend Reproductive Freedom & Women’s Health

This year, choice and freedom are on the ballot. George’s opponent, Congressman Mike Garcia, cosponsored the national abortion ban without exceptions for victims of rape or incest and national restrictions on in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatments. Every individual should have the right to make their own healthcare decisions, including those related to reproductive health and abortion access, free from government interference. George supports access to comprehensive reproductive healthcare services and will vote to codify Roe v. Wade in Congress.

End Congressional Stock Trading & Corruption in Congress

When Congressman Mike Garcia sold his Boeing stock just before a congressional committee on which he sits released a damning report on the company, he betrayed the public trust. When Congressman Garcia failed to promptly report the trade, waiting until after the general election, he blatantly violated Congressional ethics rules. It is unacceptable that members of Congress can still trade individual stocks while in office – and George will work to ban the practice and improve enforcement when in office.

Protect Our Communities from Catastrophic Wildfires & Address the Home Fire Insurance Crisis

As a co-founder of Megafire Action, the first policy organization dedicated to solving our nation’s megafire crisis, George is deeply committed to safeguarding our communities from catastrophic wildfires and addressing the home fire insurance crisis. George recognizes the urgent need for proactive measures to mitigate fire risks and protect homeowners while ensuring the stability of the insurance market. This entails investing in wildfire prevention and response efforts and giving our firefighters the tools and funding they need to carry out this critical work. Additionally, George will advocate for incentives for homeowners to undertake fire-resistant home improvements and for a new Antelope Valley wildfire detection testing and development center.

Combat Crime & Support Public Safety

George is grateful every day for the folks who work to protect our communities. In Congress, George will vote to increase funding for local law enforcement and invest in technology to enhance public safety. By collaborating with local law enforcement agencies, community leaders, and stakeholders, we can develop tailored strategies that address the challenges facing the Antelope Valley, Santa Clarita, and the San Fernando Valley, and create safer neighborhoods for all residents. Congressman Mike Garcia has repeatedly voted to cut funding for law enforcement — George believes we must stand with and support those who keep our communities safe. George supports reforming Prop. 47 and will vote for the Homelessness, Drug Addiction & Theft Reduction ballot measure in November.

Secure Our Border & Fix Our Broken Immigration System

Our immigration system is broken. We need leaders in Congress who will put politics aside to actually fix the problem, not just play political games. That means finally securing our border with investments in advanced technology, hiring more border patrol agents and immigration judges, upgrading ports of entry, and building physical infrastructure where it makes sense. George has spent his career solving problems, and in Congress he will work with anyone – regardless of party – to improve border security and fix our immigration system in a way that strengthens our economy and is true to our history as a nation of immigrants.

Create an Apollo Program for Housing in America to Address Affordability & Homelessness

We need a transformational ‘Apollo-like’ housing program in America and in our district. We have to cut taxes for homeowners and crack down on predatory landlords, while ensuring that there’s enough housing in our district. George understands the importance of mixed-income neighborhoods and supports both public and private investment in affordable housing initiatives to ensure that individuals and families of all backgrounds have access to safe, stable, and affordable housing opportunities.

Protect Our Kids Online & Address the Crisis in Teen Mental Health

As the father of two ‘tweens,’ George recognizes the urgent need to address the crisis in teenage mental health that has been exacerbated by social media use. While technology has provided incredible opportunities for connection and communication, it has also introduced huge new challenges, including online safety risks, cyberbullying, and the proliferation of deepfake AI-generated imagery. To tackle these issues, George supports a multi-faceted approach that combines innovation with responsible regulation. This includes investing in research to better understand the impact of social media on adolescent mental health, partnering with technology companies to develop and implement robust online safety measures, and promoting digital literacy programs in schools to empower students to navigate the online world safely and responsibly.

Stand Up to Solve the Twin Environmental Crises at Aliso Canyon & Chiquita Canyon

George is committed to addressing the crisis situations at the Aliso Canyon natural gas storage facility and the Chiquita Canyon landfill. These environmental hazards pose significant risks to public health, air quality, and the surrounding ecosystems. It is important to note that Congressman Garcia voted for a 30% cut to the EPA, the same federal organization he is now calling on to help our community. George supports immediate measures to reduce emissions, and believes in fostering sustainable waste management solutions.

Promote Private Sector Innovation

In Congress, George will prioritize policies that spur innovation and support small businesses and local innovators. George will advocate to provide tax incentives and grants to small businesses and startups, fostering an environment that encourages entrepreneurship and creativity. Additionally, George will push for increased investment in research and development across various industries to drive technological advancements and economic growth. George supports responsible cryptocurrency regulations that protect consumers while fostering innovation and competition in the digital asset space, and establish a framework to support American leadership in this growing sector. This includes measures to ensure transparency and promote the development of blockchain technologies that benefit society as a whole. By creating a supportive and forward-thinking regulatory framework, we can unleash the potential of American innovation and continue to lead in the global economy.