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First Whitesides TV Ads Showcase Job Creation, Problem-Solving Experience

First Whitesides TV Ads Showcase Job Creation, Problem-Solving Experience

Six-figure TV and digital buy in English and Spanish calls for middle class tax cut, police funding


AGUA DULCE, CA – Today, aerospace businessman George Whitesides launched a six-figure TV & digital ad buy in English and Spanish, focused on his experience solving problems at NASA and creating over 700 good-paying jobs in Santa Clarita and the Antelope Valley as CEO of an aerospace company.

Whitesides is leading by 3 points in recent polling, as extreme GOP incumbent Rep. Mike Garcia campaigns on a national abortion ban, has voted against reducing health care and prescription drug costs, and was caught in a stock scandal profiting off alleged insider trading.

Fox News recently ranked CA-27 as “Lean Dem,” while the New York Times this week called this race the “heart of the fight for control of the House of Representatives.” This district is primed to flip as President Biden won by over 12%, and Rep. Mike Garcia only won by 333 votes in 2020.

Whitesides continues his campaign as a top congressional candidate fundraiser, having the largest cash-on-hand advantage over any incumbent challenger nationwide and doubling incumbent Rep. Mike Garcia’s 2024 fundraising haul.

Watch the English ad:

Leading NASA was all about solving problems.

Then I led a company that created hundreds of good-paying jobs in the Antelope Valley.

I’m George Whitesides, and I’m running for Congress because politicians have created more problems than they’ve solved.

People are struggling with inflation and crime, so I’ll get more funding for police and cut taxes for working people, not billionaires.

I’ll use my business experience to solve problems, instead of playing politics.

I’m George Whitesides, and I approve this message.

Watch the Spanish ad:

George Whitesides fue un dirigente de la NASA, encargado de 15,000 empleados. 

Después dirigió una compañía que produjo 700 cienes de empleos en Santa Clarita y el Valle del Antílope. 

George trabajó con las escuelas para que nuestros jóvenes aprendieran ciencia y lograran empleos bien pagados. 

Respaldado por enfermeras, bomberos, y maestros… George está a nuestro lado. 

[George Whitesides] Soy George Whitesides y apruebo este mensaje. 

Usaré mi experiencia empresarial para solucionar problemas y siempre poner al frente a la gente trabajadora.